35. General - What actions are taken when the “Reset Factory Defaults” option is selected?
The Reset Factory Defaults option does the following:
1. Deletes the channel map. A new channel scan is required after factory defaults have been reset.
2. Deletes the currently cached OTA guide data
3. Deletes all DVR series and scheduled recordings (existing recordings are not erased)
4. Reverts all settings found under the “Setting” menus to their original default state. These include themes, caption settings, language settings, audio settings, and hidden channel settings.
5. Deletes all diagnostic logs. For this reason, it is not a good idea to do a factory reset if you want us to investigate an ongoing issue.
It does not erase or change:
1. The OS and app version. These stay unchanged and are not rolled back to the original versions shipped with the box.
2. Wi-Fi settings or passwords
3. Time settings
4. YouTube settings and account password
5. DRM (secure content) provisioning
6. Recording history
If you have a 14-day guide data subscription the current 14-day guide data is deleted but the subscription remains active and new guide data is loaded when the next guide data update happens.