44. DVR - What are all the DVR History error codes and what do they mean?
ChannelScan - Channel scans prevent/cancel recordings
Conflict – This error code will be replaced by “NoTuner”
Disabled - No DVR capable drive attached when recording attempted
DiskFull - No space on drive when recording attempted
Duplicate - Program episode already recorded
Failure - Recording failed for an unknown reason
GuideChange - Requested program no longer in the ESG data
Missed - Application not running when recording attempted
NoData - No data was received on the recording channel
NoEsgSub - No active 14-day guide data subscription
NoTuner - No tuner available for the recording
Partial - The recording was not complete
Removed - DVR drive removed while recording was in progress
Rerun - Episode is a repeat and pass had first_run only option
Restart - Application restarted while recording was active
Success - Program recorded successfully
TuneDenied - User denied the tune request
Unknown - Final recording state not known (should not happen)
UserCancel - User rejected the request to retune the display tuner
UserDelete - User deleted recording entry before recording started